
Cut Down Support Requests with Software Tutorial & Explainer Videos

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One amazing benefit that we've been hearing from our clients is the reduction of support requests when our software tutorial and explainer videos are posted on the client's website.

Here's the process:

• The client collaborates with us to create a package of software tutorial videos, designing titles based on the top support requests that they receive.

• We create the instructional explainer videos and present them in a professional, easy to understand manner.

• The client can post the videos in one place on their website, such as an FAQ Video page. This allows their customers to educate themselves. When they receive support requests, they can point their customers to this page or to a specific title to give them the help that they need. Our clients that have implemented these strategies report back that they are wildly successful. They are happy with the resulting efficiency in support requests and, ultimately, savings of money.

Here are some great examples of clients who have utilized these software tutorial and explainer videos to great success: