We created this collection of videos for Yellow Pages Canada about their Shopwise app.
The collection included versions for iOS App Marketing (English), iOS App Marketing (French), Android / Google Play Store Video (English), Android / Google Play Store Video (French), and an iOS App Store Preview Video.
See all of the videos we've created for Yellow Pages Canada here.
Learm more about our App Store Video Previews as well.
How We Created This Viral Video Hit / Mobile App Demo Video
We collaborated tightly with Yellow Pages marketing team to script English and French versions of the app. Many of the screens are "mocked up" by creating the screens and compositing them into a 3D model of a mobile device.
You can see how we create an iOS mobile app demo here.
After all of the scenes are created and animated, we edit together a tight iOS promo video with stock music and voiceover. The entire content packag was optimized for the app store and proved very successful for the client.
What Makes a Good Mobile App Demo Video?
When it comes to creating a good mobile app demo video, it’s important to keep in mind what the purpose of the video is. Is it to introduce the app to potential users, or is it to show off the features and functionality of the app?
If you’re looking to create a video that will introduce potential users to your app, you’ll want to make sure to focus on highlighting the key features of your app and showing how it can be used. You don’t need to go into too much detail, but you should give viewers a good idea of what your app is all about.
If you’re looking to create a video that will show off the features and functionality of your app, you’ll want to focus on demonstrating how the app works. This means showing viewers how they can interact with the app and what kinds of results they can expect. You should also highlight any unique or standout features of your app.
In either case, it’s important to make sure your video is well-produced and looks professional. This will help ensure that viewers take your app seriously and are more likely to download it.